by Carl Miller

Prepping for Cyber Disasters: 3 Steps and Custom IT Solutions

Oct 1, 2019 10:28:00 AM Disaster Recovery, Managed IT Services, Cloud

Racksquared BlogIs your business prepared in the event of a cyber threat? Worse yet, would you know how to react if something catastrophic were to happen to your company’s data. It’s a scary thought, however it’s important to have a plan in place to protect your business’s information. Thankfully, there are specific steps and custom IT solutions that you can implement to ensure your company’s data is as safe as possible. To get started, explore the 3 helpful tips below to better guard your data this year.

Update your Programs Regularly

Ultimately, your company’s data may only be as safe as your last software update. Don’t make the mistake of investing in expensive software equipment and not keeping it up-to-date. Oftentimes companies like Microsoft will release important updates for you to maintain your software for free. Set a reoccurring monthly reminder to update your software so you won’t forget.

If remembering to maintain important software seems like too much of a hassle, then opt to partner with an IT services provider like Racksquared who will take care of servicing your important applications and custom IT solutions for you.. As a certified Managed Services Provider, we can manage and maintain your servers, no matter what your environment looks like.

Educate Your Employees on Data Security Measures

By creating a company culture that takes security seriously, you’ll help protect your business’s important data significantly. Require that employees keep sensitive data locked in filing cabinets or on password-protected devices. Begin using encrypted USBs if data security is a big concern. Another option is to speak to your ISP about custom IT solutions such as cloud computing software that tracks the location of your company’s devices.

Did You Know?

• 55% of all cyber-attacks come from inside the organization.
• 31.5% are done by malicious employees.
• 23.5% are done by company insiders who mistakenly leave the company vulnerable to an attack.

According to Small Business Trends

Consider a Cloud-based Storage Solution

The cloud has allowed companies of all sizes to avoid storing their customer data, important internal information, presentations and other data at the office on desktop computers and employee laptops. It also allows businesses to avoid buying expensive software that becomes outdated quickly. With the cloud, your company’s data is encrypted, compressed, transferred, and stored safely offsite for you to use when you need it.

In the event of a disaster, data recovery takes only minutes with custom IT solutions such as cloud storage. The cloud also offers document version-history for easy access to previous drafts of presentations, agreements and other important data.

Regardless of your industry, it’s important to take necessary precautions to protect your company’s data. Ultimately, being extremely careful with your company’s data is always worth the extra effort, whether that means educating your employees or outsourcing your IT services entirely to ensure they’re safe. Don’t leave your data at risk in the new year.

Let Us Help

Our 24/7 monitoring and patch management and monitoring means we’re protecting your systems, so you don’t have to worry about it. Period. Contact us to learn more!

Carl Miller

Written by Carl Miller

Carl serves as the Manager of Products and Solutions and has been working in the IT space for over 30 years.

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